…and so did almost everyone else, just as we arrived on the doorstep of the 2nd decennium of the 3rd millennium…
But then came Charles Hoskinson, and everything changed…
We thought we understood the laws of gravity, time and space, but he created Shelley. And she took us by the hand, and showed us that there is more. That there isn’t just this one reality we all live in, …but that there are two!
Yes, we think that all of us wake up every day under the same sun, but may be -just may be- we are somewhere else!? Somewhere, where staking4ADA produced three blocks more, instead of less. I mean, three less than more? Huh…?
Sorry, I am lost. Can somebody help me find my way to the exit please?
- 4ADA pool, pictured as of 2020-01-17, 08:37:48 (utc+1)
- 4ADA pool, pictured as of 2020-01-17, 08:37:59 (utc+1)
4ada was taken off of Adapools.org for a day too. But I see your back on there again.
Hi Eric, yes that was due to a small error whereby I ran two instances of the 4ADA-1% pool by mistake, thereby forking the blockchain. Since this is regarded as highly suspicious behaviour (some pools seem to do this all the time in order to have a higher probability to produce blocks at the expense of other pool operators), adapools and pooltool agreed on a policy to boycot offenders from the list for at least 5000 blocks (usually a day or two). We’ve had a rough couple of days, but the network seems to be improving these days, so all pools hopefully should be able to generate their blocks without getting too “creative” 😉
Thanks for the update.