As the above table shows, yesterday’s block assignment was much lower than average, which fortunately is balanced out for current epoch 66.
Yesterday’s communicated 20 block target for 4ADA2 in epoch 65 was a miscount. We actually were assigned with 19 blocks which we all successfully minted!
Still no 4ADA3 block. Very disappointing, since statistically speaking we should get lucky at some point…
All the best,
thanks for the graph. nice to be able to put numbers to what’s being shared. makes more sense to me now trying to figure out why some days rewards are better than others. today’s wasn’t that great. but I did switch to 3, so I know it will be zero, but anxious to see what kind of reward is given when we get blocks.
I can pretty much predict what rewards will look like when we get our first block: approx. 850 ADA block reward divided among currently 320k stake = 26.5 ADA per 10k stake…
After we’ve produced our first block, 4ADA3 should show fantastic ROI, which hopefully attracts at least 1M worth of stake the next day. If it doesn’t, it will be hard for me to recommend staying around for much longer, as it might take many days again until the 2nd block comes along.
psst, don’t tell anyone, we’re scheduled for a single block towards the end of epoch 67, so fingers crossed 🙂
Man, I hope it’s worth the wait, 9 long epochs in the wilderness 😉
feels like stumbling through the desert trying to find a sip of water. i’m with you!
psst, don’t tell anyone, we’re scheduled for a single block towards the end of epoch 67, so fingers crossed 🙂