Ep.63 results:
4ADA – 36/37 (97%)
4ADA2 – 26/27 (96%)
4ADA3 – no blocks assigned
Ep.64 outlook:
4ADA – 31 😐
4ADA2 – 13 😡
4ADA3 – 0 😖
4ADA, average to slightly poor allocation, not high, not very low, so nothing to get either excited or worried about.
As for 4ADA2…
Well, where do you want me to start? We here at staking4ADA give it all we’ve got, we devour every block thrown at us, just like you as a delegator expect of us.
And you, dear delegator, you also give it all you’ve got; faithfully trusting your dear tADA to a pool with a solid track record. As you should, because it simply makes sense. A pool with a block conversion rates close to 100%, putting it among the absolute elite pools out there.
But, dear friends, what do we get in return? The absolute worst block assignment! There is simply no explanation for this: 31 blocks for a 96.4M pool (which already should rather be 40 blocks) and 13 blocks for a 51.5M pool. This is a ratio of 1 block/3.1M vs. 1 block/4.0M, nearly a 25% difference.
And there we all are trying to compare pools with 12.2% ROI against other pools with perhaps 13.4%…
In that respect there is something really not right about the Shelley protocol if you ask me… with this huge distribution in block assignment randomness, it takes many months or even longer before you can truly distinguish great pools from lucky pools…
[edit: after reading this, make sure to also read our follow-up post!]
OK, let me stop my rant here. Enjoy your weekend and…
Happy staking! ☀️
P.S. I almost forgot 4ADA3… you’ve guessed it, unfortunately still no block…
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