Delegating to Staking4ADA

Select one of the wallets below and follow the instructions.

If your wallet is delegated for the first time, it will take 15-20 days until you receive your first rewards. It is how the protocol works and the same for all pools.

If you are switching pools, you continue to receive rewards from the old pool two more times, before your rewards from the new pool arrive, so there will be no epoch without rewards.

How to Delegate from Yoroï

  1. Make sure you first import or create a Shelley wallet. Older Byron wallets will not offer the delegation features. If necessary, create the new (Shelley) wallet and move your funds from the old wallet to the new one.
  2. In order to delegate to a pool, you will need to know its pool-ID, which can be found on your preferred pool website, or on sites like or
  3. The rest is point-and-click. Watch the video below how to proceed.
  4. Contact us via Telegram, Twitter or E-mail for support

How to Delegate from Daedalus

  • Delegating to a stake pool from Daedalus is pretty straightforward. Just browse all stakepools directly inside the wallet, visit their websites for more information, or visit or to compare performance data.
  • The rest is point-and-click. Watch the video below how to proceed.
  • Contact us via Telegram, Twitter or E-mail for support

Cardano Foundation’s Five Delegation Steps